Have more links to newssources-rss on Ukraine? (no kremlinmedia or fakenewssites !!) in Ukrainian?
Put it in a comment!
- November 14, 2024Яке церковне свято у четвер, 14 листопада: чому сьогодні не можна починати ремонт
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- November 14, 2024Росія хоче не перемовин, а капітуляції України, – ISW
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- November 14, 2024В Кремлі вже панікують через погрози від Дональда Трампа
- November 14, 2024Левам і Стрільцям прогнозують вдалий день: гороскоп на 14 листопада
Error: Feed has an error or is not valid.
Error: Feed has an error or is not valid.
- November 14, 2024Російські "шахеди" знову атакують Україну (оновлено)
- November 14, 2024Команда Трампа готує масштабні звільнення в Пентагоні, – Reuters
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- November 14, 2024Вночі у Харкові лунали вибухи
- November 14, 2024Армія РФ окупувала Іллінку, що на північ від Курахового та просунулась біля Куп’янська, – DeepState. КАРТА
- November 13, 2024Примусову евакуацію батьків з дітьми оголошено 16 населених пунктах Волноваського району, – ОВА
- November 13, 2024Росіяни продовжують атакувати ЗСУ в районі Новоіванівки на Курщині, – DeepState
- November 13, 2024Трамп обрав на посаду Генпрокурора США конгресмена Гетца, який блокував допомогу Україні
- November 13, 2024Колона російської бронетехніки прорвалася до Куп’янська, – DeepState. ВIДЕО
- November 13, 2024Україну атакують російські "Шахеди", – Повітряні сили (оновлено)
- November 13, 2024Через війну в Україні зруйновано майже 10 тисяч кілометрів залізничних колій, – "Укрзалізниця"
- November 13, 2024"Слуга народу" Дмитрук виступив у рупорі російської пропаганди Russia Today
- November 13, 2024Україна не розробляє і не має наміру створювати ядерну зброю, – речник МЗС Тихий
- November 13, 2024Бійці 33 ОМБр знищили 2 танки, 1 БТР, 3 ББМ та ліквідували 47 окупантів на Донеччині. ВIДЕО
- November 13, 2024Україна віддає пріоритет гарантіям безпеки, а не поверненню окупованих РФ територій, – NYT
Error: Feed has an error or is not valid.
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Права людини в Україні
Інформаційний портал Харківської правозахисної групи
‘Не треба ризикувати життям дітей. Вони — найдорожче!’
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Російські військові могли вбити цивільного поблизу Селидового
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Російська ракета вбила багатодітну сім’ю в Кривому Розі
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Суддям не смішно. Дайджест російських протестів
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Євген Захаров: ‘...І тоді ми створили ХПГ’
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У прицілі — онкоцентр і спальні райони
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Вартував у спецшколі зі зброєю, аби діти та вихователі не могли виїхати з окупації
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HungryFEED can't get feed. Don't be mad at HungryFEED. SimplePie reported: cURL error 22: The requested URL returned error: 404
- November 14, 2024Підсумки 13.11: Атака на Київ і представник Трампа
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Error: Feed has an error or is not valid.
Новини - Радіо Свобода
Головні новини
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
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Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
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Влада Донеччини розширила примусову евакуацію сімей з дітьми з Великоновосілківської громади
November 14, 2024, 4:49 am
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
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Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Генштаб: на фронті було 151 зіткнення, половина – на двох напрямках
November 13, 2024, 11:48 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
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Трамп визначився з кандидатурами на посади генпрокурора і директора розвідки США
November 13, 2024, 11:20 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
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Байден і Сі зустрінуться в Перу
November 13, 2024, 10:31 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
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На Сумщині за день було 68 російських обстрілів, поранені двоє цивільних – ОВА
November 13, 2024, 10:04 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
У МЗС після публікації The Times заявили, що Україна не планує створювати ядерну зброю
November 13, 2024, 9:36 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Війська РФ завдали удару по промисловому об’єкту в Миргородському районі – ОВА
November 13, 2024, 9:15 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Прокуратура Парижа вимагає заборонити Марін Ле Пен обиратися до органів влади
November 13, 2024, 9:03 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
США: сенатор від Південної Дакоти Джон Тун очолить республіканців у Сенаті
November 13, 2024, 8:38 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Трамп висуває Марко Рубіо на посаду держсекретаря США у своїй адміністрації
November 13, 2024, 8:20 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
На Донеччині через російські обстріли загинули двоє, поранені вісім цивільних – прокуратура
November 13, 2024, 7:55 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
В окупованому Криму впав міст над залізничною колією
November 13, 2024, 7:42 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Зеленський за підсумками розмови з Шольцом: шоста IRIS-T від Німеччини надійде в Україну до кінця року
November 13, 2024, 7:21 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Генштаб: війська РФ намагалися прорватися на Куп’янському напрямку
November 13, 2024, 6:48 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
ФБР заарештувало особу, ймовірно пов’язану з оприлюдненням планів нападу Ізраїлю на Іран
November 13, 2024, 6:46 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Дональд Трамп і Джо Байден зустрілися у Білому домі
November 13, 2024, 6:25 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
ЄСПЛ зареєстрував скаргу проти грузинського закону про «іноземних агентів»
November 13, 2024, 6:11 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
У Казахстані на запит Росії заарештували 18-річного антивоєнного активіста
November 13, 2024, 5:48 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Трамп призначить спецпосланця з питань України – Fox News
November 13, 2024, 4:44 pm
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 375
Error Processing Feed: Undefined array key "source" at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
Error Processing Feed: Trying to access array offset on value of type null at /data/c/c/cc71e0db-901f-4b0a-a2c0-68ab2c399f92/krantvannederland.nl/public_html/discuss/wp-content/plugins/hungryfeed/hungryfeed.php line 376
У Киргизстані підозрюваного в корупції колишнього митника перевели з СІЗО під домашній арешт
November 13, 2024, 4:25 pm
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ON CRIMEA UA, also RU and EN
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Error: Feed has an error or is not valid.
Error: Feed has an error or is not valid.
dw.com Germany
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